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Countryside Tour (24,9 km)

The tour starts at Ullerslev Church. The church has a fascinating history that stretches back to around the 13th century. This is also where you'll find the first crucifix of the cycle tour, dating back to around year 1520. The tour continues through the waving fields on a historical discovery from manor houses to state smallholdings and farm shops.


Ullerslev Church is beautifully situated on a small hill. The church also boasts one of the country's oldest pulpits and exquisite woodcarvings on the altar dating back to 1584. Overall, it's a truly interesting place to visit. Opening hours for the church can be obtained by contacting Ullerslev Parish. There is parking available at Kirkekrogen, right by the church, where you can start your cycle tour.

Ullerslev is an old railway town and today a modern commuter town – the second largest in Nyborg Municipality after Nyborg itself. The town is surrounded by forests and fields, and cycling here is an idyllic experience in this beautiful landscape. Along the way, you'll be surprised by a number of hidden gems that you probably didn't know about before.

Swaying Fields

You'll quickly leave Ullerslev behind and find yourself surrounded by vast, swaying fields. The small roads you'll be traveling on have very little traffic. These roads wind and follow the natural contours of the landscape. We're tempted to say that H.C. Andersen could have found inspiration for his song ”Hist hvor vejen slår en bugt” (which roughly translates to “Over where the road bends") in this magnificent Funen countryside. On your journey, you'll pass several charming villages. If you feel like taking a detour, you'll find many village churches, village ponds, and quaint half-timbered houses with crooked windows, as H.C. Andersen also described.

Skovsbo and the Skovsbo Crucifix

On your journey, you will come across the Skovsbo Manor. The manor is privately owned and closed to the public, but can be viewed from the road. West of the manor, you will pass the Skovsbo Crucifix. The crucifix was erected in 1609. There are several stories about the crucifix, which depicts Christ with the Danish inscription INIK ("Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"). One story suggests that Anne Rønnov from Skovsbo, who erected it, was secretly a Catholic in the newly reformed Denmark. The Reformation originated from the king's residence at Nyborg Castle about 100 years earlier in 1517. During the Napoleonic Wars in the early 1800s, a large number of Spanish mercenaries were stationed in Nyborg and on eastern Funen, and they often knelt before the crucifix, as Catholic tradition dictates, which was atypical in newly reformed and now Protestant Denmark.


The majority of the route passes through Flødstrup Parish, with Flødstrup Church located at the heart of this cycling route. Flødstrup was first mentioned in 1348. A separate brochure has been published about the history of Flødstrup, describing the history of the parish's industrious farmers who managed the swaying fields. A trip to Flødstrup village can be made by taking a detour during the route.

Manors and Estates

Funen is known for its fertile soil and is often called "Denmark's Garden". The rich agricultural land has always been the foundation of prosperity on Funen. Since ancient times, there has been a wealth of manors, estates, and castles on Funen. One of these, Nyborg Castle, was formerly a royal residence. Others have belonged to the nobility, such as Holckenhavn Castle or Juelsberg Manor near Nyborg. Skovsbo Manor, or the next ones on the tour, Rørbæk, Hannesborg, and Risinge, have all had different origins and fates. For example, Rørbæk and Hannesborg were divided into state farms at the beginning of the 20th century, when a revolutionary agricultural law intervened against the large estates and ensured that the land was cultivated in smaller plots. Closer to the coast lies Risinge Manor with its characteristic tower.

Beaches and Farm Shops

On your way, you pass Dinestrup Beach and several farm shops. Treat yourself to a refreshing swim and delicious local food cultivated in the East Funen fertile fields.