Yellow memories from the Tour
More photos from the Tour de France in Nyborg...
All the visitors, during the Tour de France in Nyborg, were extremely committed to tranforming these days into some great celebration days. This was expressed, among other things, in the form of various creative decorations, which you can see below. During the day, and in the days that were leading up to the big event, there were various hapepnings such as a Children's Tour, concerts, and other festive gatherings, where people met and celebrated that the Tour de France would come to Nyborg. Local associations and more than 1,200 volunteers helped with making the Tour de France possible. Thank you for your help.

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Magnus Andersen

Photo:Lars Moeller

Photo:Lars Moeller

Photo:Pernille Kingo

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Magnus Andersen
Photo: Lars Moeller

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Lars Moeller

Photo:Lars Moeller

Photo:Magnus Andersen

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Johnny Wichmann

Photo:Johnny Wichmann