The Great Belt Bridge
King Valdemar built fortresses on the island of Sprogø, in Korsør and in Nyborg to protect the Great Belt and maintain the important east-west arterial route in the Danish kingdom. 800 years later, the Great Belt is still the most vital transportation route in Denmark.
Facts about the bridge
Price: DKK 36.2 billion
Inauguration of the railway: 1997
Inauguration of the motorway: 1998
Length: Approx. 23 km
The West Bridge: 6.6 km long consisting of 63 bridge piers
The East Bridge: 6.8 km long with a free span of 1,624 m, making it the world’s fifth largest suspension bridge
Tunnel: 8 km long, making it Europe’s second-longest tunnel under water
Experience the bridge up close
Enjoy the view over the Great Belt and experience the Great Belt Bridge at close range on the viewing plateau, where you can stand around 2 metres beneath the unique construction and experience the bridge from a different but impressive angle.